Josephine Skriver Is Drop Dead Sexy In Victoria’s Secret Lingerie Summer

Danish model Josephine Skriver simmers in summer lingerie from Victoria’s Secret. Since 2013 Josephine has worked to become a voice for the kids of gay parents, writing in Buzzfeed:

I’m from Denmark. My mom is gay and she was single, but she wanted kids. She wanted me to be able to have a dad. So we had this magazine called Pan-bladetin Denmark, which is for the community of gay people, so she posted an ad in the personals where she asked, “Are there any gay couples or gay guys out there who wish to be a dad? Because I’m a single mom and I wanted to have kids.” Five guys replied, and she really ended up liking my dad, and shortly after that they made me. And everything was kind of meant to be, and it’s kind of funny — my life started in a magazine and now all I do is appear in magazines.


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