David Beckham birthday: 10 photos of the footballer that prove why he’s called the sexiest man of all time

David Beckham’s name has been taken every time one talks about soccer. Along with football, David is widely popular for his undeniably hot looks! Keep on reading to have a look at some his best photos ever.

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david beckham
(Photo Credit : Instagram)David Beckham is celebrating his 45th birthday today. There are many star footballers who are known for their on-field skills but there is only one such footballer who is known for both his on-field and off-field persona, and you know who he is! The former English footballer is loved all around the world because of his killer looks and elaborate lifestyle. He has also got an eye for fashion and is considered one of the best-dressed men of all time. What better day to celebrate his existence than his birthday? Listed below is 10 times David Beckham was ridiculously sexy and all we could do is stare at him helplessly.

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(Photo Credit : Instagram)Born on May 2, 1975, David has become a style icon since the initial days of his professional career. David whose talent and fame extend beyond the pitch is a brand in himself. David runs not one but two clothing lines of his own! He is definitely someone who can teach men the “art of dressing well” pretty good! Don’t you all agree on this?

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(Photo Credit : Instagram)This stunning photo of the star footballer is proof of why he’s called the sexiest man of all time! Got the answer now?

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(Photo Credit : Instagram)Like father like son! All of David’s three sons, Brooklyn, Romeo, and Cruz have played football in the Arsenal Academy. In fact, Brooklyn and Romeo have also been named among GQ’s best dressed British men just like their father.

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(Photo Credit : Instagram)Whether looking handsome on the red carpet or running errands in his PJs, it will be safe to say there is not ever a time the former footballer is not rating a ten on ten looks!

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(Photo Credit : Instagram)Not just with good looks, the 44-year-old is also blessed with a chiseled body that he never shies in putting on display.

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(Photo Credit : Instagram)From showing off his doting-dad side to giving couple goals with wife Victoria Beckham, the British footballer is the definition of sexy no matter what he does.



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(Photo Credit : Instagram)Over the years, David’s name has become synonymous with menswear god! Women swoon over for his killer grin, and men envy his ability to strike a ball.

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(Photo Credit : Instagram)He was ranked on number three after Britney Spears and Osama bin Laden on the list of most searched individual of the decade by the British users.

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(Photo Credit : Instagram)Here’s wishing happy birthday to the most celebrated footballer of his generation.

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